- History of the School of Graduate Studies
At its 12th Meeting held on Wednesday, 19th July, 1978, Senate considered and approved paper No. SP 77-78/060 titled “The General Regulations for Graduate Studies.” This paved the way for the take-off of graduate training in the 1979/80 academic year. The then School of Humanities and Biological Sciences gave admission to candidates in the Programmes of M.A. Comparative Literature and M.Sc. Plant Physiology and Fisheries Biology.
Initially, the graduate programmes were administered by the School (now Faculties) and the Registry. In October 1982, the School of Graduate Studies was formally established with Professor E.J. Alagoa as the first Dean, and it became necessary to streamline the procedures for the operation of graduate programmes. The General Regulations approved by Senate required each Faculty to set up Departmental Graduate Studies Committees to make recommendations regarding all matters concerning graduate programmes to its Faculty Board. Senate also established the “Higher Degrees Committee” 9a Committee of the School of Graduate Studies) to “advise Senate on all matters relating to higher degrees”.
Further in 1984, the Higher Degrees Committee recommended for the approval of Senate a paper entitled “Proposals for Amendment/Streamlining of the School of Graduate Studies” initiated by the then Dean Professor Francis A. Onofeghara. At its 68th Meeting held on 23rd May, 1984, Senate considered and approved the paper No. SP/83-84/134, which among other things, established the Board of the School of Graduate Studies to replace the Higher Degrees Committee, and a new organizational structure for the School of Graduate Studies with effect from October 1984.
Due to the expansion in the scope of activities of the School, the Senate of the University, at its 386th meeting held on 29th August, 2012, upgraded the status of the School of Graduate Studies to College of Graduate Studies with four Graduate Schools.
In 2015, at the 411th Senate meeting held on the 26th August 2015 the College reverted back to School of Graduate Studies.
- Vision of the School
To be ranked among the best Graduate Schools in Africa, in the provision of quality staff, programmes and facilities and renowned for its teaching, research, innovation and knowledge transfer.
- Mission of the School
To pursue academic excellence, advancement of knowledge and community service through capability development, promotion of scholarship and policy relevant researches that address the challenges of contemporary society.
- Objective
To implement Senate Policy and Guidelines for the initiation, consolidation and co-ordination of innovative research, provide quality administrative support for graduate programmes, equip research laboratories in the academic departments and ensure availability of data for national development
The composition of the Board of the School and its terms of reference are as approved by Senate.
2.2 Terms of Reference of the Board
The Board, School of Graduate Studies, which meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month on behalf of Senate is to consider and approve all matters relating to higher degrees and report to Senate. These shall include:
- The award of University Scholarships and Research and Teaching Assistantship to graduate students
- The formulation of Strategies for supervision of graduate students.
- The Promotion of active graduate research and training in the University, including soliciting and securing outside grants.
- Fostering and development of group multi-disciplinary research in the University.
- The admission of Graduate Faculty Members.
- The disbursement of funds allocated for graduate work.
2.3 The Functions of the Board
- Admission and registration if students for graduate work.
- Approval of general fields of study and nomination of supervisors.
- Approval of title of theses and dissertations.
- Approval of appointment of internal and external examiners.
- Co-ordination of all graduate programmes in the University.
- Regulation and enhancement of the quality of graduate instruction and research in the University.
- Monitoring and evaluation of the progress of graduate work in all academic departments.
- Preparation of estimates for the capital and recurrent expenditure of the school
- Making recommendations on provision of appropriate facilities for graduate work
- Encouragement of the publication of the outcome of Graduate Studies in the form of journal articles, monographs and books.
- Publication of prospectus of Graduate Studies and annual reports on graduate work including titles and abstracts of theses and dissertations accepted for higher degrees.
- Publishing the graduate programmes and graduate research actives of the University extensively in order to attract good candidates and financial support.
- Annual review and report to Senate on the development of Graduate Studies in the University.
2.4 Frequency of Board Meetings and Quorum
The Board of the School of Graduate Studies is made up of the Dean, the Associate Dean, Provost, College of Health Sciences, all Deans of Faculty, two representatives of Senate, Director, Centre for Research Management and Development.
(iv) An emergency meeting may be summoned following written request to the Dean by at least five members of the Board drawn from two faculties. The suppose of such a meeting shall be specified and such business be the only business of the day.
(v) The quorum for the transaction of any business at a meeting of the Board shall be one third (or the nearest whole number) of the total membership.
(vi) If a quorum is not formed one hour after the scheduled time of the meeting, that meeting shall stand adjourned sine die .
While undergraduates have two levels in which matters concerning them are considered before presenting to Senate, the graduate student has 3 levels of consideration before presentation is made to Senate. The Board monitors and regulates the programmes in line with the regulation and guide-lines approved by Senate.
2.5 Channel of Communication with the School of Graduate Studies
The implication of the organizational structure of the School of Graduate Studies is that all matters concerning the Graduate School, even those originating from students should be addressed to the Dean of School of Graduate Studies. However, such matters should first be discussed at the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee and the minutes containing the recommendation forwarded to Faculty Graduate Studies Committee who in turn should do same and forward the final recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies.
- Membership
- Dean of the Faculty (Chairman)
- Professors in the Faculty
- All Heads of Departments in the Faculty
- Two Representatives from each Department not below the Rank of Senior Lecturer
- Chairmen, Departmental Graduate Studies Committee
- Co-ordinators of Inter-disciplinary Programmes
- Faculty Officer (Secretary)
- Terms of Reference
- Co-ordinate and control the quality of all graduate work in the Faculty;
- Recommend to the Board of the School of Graduate Studies the appointment of supervisors;
- Recommend new graduate programmes originating from Departments;
- Require the study or further study of any language or languages prescribed by the Department and make recommendations to the Board, School of Graduate Studies;
- Receive annual progress reports form the candidates and comments by their supervisors and forward them with recommendations to the Board, School of Graduate Studies;
- Make recommendations of candidates for the award of grants and fellowships and the award of higher degrees and graduate diplomas, to the Board of the Graduate Studies;
- Recommend to the Board, School of Graduate Studies the extension of graduate scholarships and those who need to undertake part of their works in other institutions in Nigeria or abroad;
- Recommend external examiners and Board of Examiners to the Board of the School of Graduate Studies;
- Recommend candidates for admission to the Board, School of Graduate Studies;
- Approve course work results from Departments and forward such results to the Board of School of Graduate Studies;
- Deal initially with all matters involving examination malpractices and make recommendations to the Board;
- Approve all corrected theses/dissertations;
- Periodically review all Faculty graduate Programmes;
- Promote group and multi-disciplinary research programmes in the Faculty;
- Carry out any other functions assigned to it by the Board, School of Graduate Studies.
4.1 Membership
- The membership shall consist of all academic staff involved in the graduate programmes in the department staff who are postgraduate students cannot be members
- There shall be a Chairman elected by the membership from the senior members of academic staff who shall not be below the rank of Senior Lecturer. However, leadership by seniority is encouraged. The tenure of the Chairman shall follow the university’s established tenure system.
- The Office of the Head of Department shall provide the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee with secretarial services and other needed support.
- Terms of Reference
The Departmental Graduate Studies Committee shall:
- Co-ordinate and control the quality of graduate teaching and research in the Department;
- Ensure regular attendance by students at the graduate research seminars;
- Review applications for graduate admission and make recommendations to the Faculty Committee;
- Promote group and multi-disciplinary research programmes in the Department
- Recommend the appointment of supervisors to the Board, School of Graduate Studies through the Faculty Committee;
- Recommend the appointment of members of the Board of Examiners to the Board, School of Graduate Studies through the Faculty Committee;
- Recommend External Examiners to the Faculty Committee;
- Carry out any other functions assigned to it by the Board, School of Graduate Studies.
Some Decisions Taken by the Board School of Graduate Studies and the Senate Yearly Student Academic Progress Report
In its bid of ensuring that students leave the School at the expiration of their approved study period, the School has re-activated its erstwhile yearly Academic Progress Report on each student. The Report which is to be completed by individual student supervisors world pass through the Chairman, Departmental Graduate Studies Committee/HOD and Dean of the Faculty before being sent to the Graduate School.
With the report, the Graduate School can easily access the academic standing of every student and determine what judgment to pass on such student at the appropriate time. With this in place, the era of permanent residency for students is over.
Seminar for All Final Year PhD Students
The Board of Graduate School has instituted the concept of public seminar for all final year PhD students. The students are expected to deliver a Public Seminar on the subject of their respective Theses before Senior academics, prior to their being allowed to appear before their External Examiners. The aim is to present and expose the potential philosophers to defend their works before the public which is expected to make inputs where necessary.
Admission into Ph.D and Masters (MA, MSc) programmes
Senate considered and approved the following recommendations from the Board, School of Graduate Studies.
- That a candidate with a recognized University first degree, who also scores 3.5 CGPA in his/her PGD programme would be eligible for admission into University of Port Harcourt Master’s Degree programme in the relevant field.
- That a candidate with an Upper Credit HND could be admitted into departments that admit HND holders into their PGD programme.
- That a candidate with an Upper Credit HND who scores an aggregate of 3.5 CGPA in the PGD programme, would be eligible for admission into the Master’s Degree programme in the same field with effect from 2006/2007 session.
- That a candidate who scores 3.50 CGPA in his/her Master’s degree programme would be eligible for admission into the University of Port Harcourt Doctorate 9Ph.D0 degree programme except otherwise stated by the National Universities Commission (NUC).
- Date of completion of programme
The Board decided and approved the following:
- That a student is said to have completed his programme when he/she had defended his/her thesis, carried out the Minor or major corrections as directed, have the work certified by the appropriate officers and submitted to the department for submission to Graduate School.
- That from the date the corrected, certified and bound project was submitted to the department, the student would no longer be liable to any further payment of school fees.
- B) Effective Date of Award of Degree/Result
- Types of Admission
There are two types of admission, full time (FT) and part-time (PT).
- Full Time Admission
Full-time admission can be offered only to candidates who can satisfy the School of Graduate Studies that they are not in employment, or that they have been relieved by their employees to undertake full time studies. Candidates found to have made a false declaration in this respect shall be asked to withdraw from the University.
- Part-Time Admission
Candidates may be admitted to part-time registration if they are members of the staff of the University. All part-time candidates shall be engaged in approved employment and submit evidence that they can devote a good proportion of their normal working year to their studies and satisfy the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee that they will be available for attendance at courses and for regular consultation with their supervisors.
- Application for Admission
- Application Forms
Advertisements for admission normally appear in two Nigerian Daily newspapers with details in the University of Port Harcourt’s website.
Candidates should visit the School website at and click on the links for application procedure.
- Procedure for Admission
- Eligible candidates wishing to be admitted into the higher degree programmes of the University of Port Harcourt shall purchase an application from. The completed form should be accompanied by a validated transcript and be submitted in duplicate to the Faculty Representative in the School of Graduate Studies
- The candidates forms accompanied by the validated transcripts shall be sent to the Head of the Department into which the candidate is seeking admission for processing and recommendation following School of Graduate Studies criteria for admission
- The Head of Department in consultation with the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee using the eligibility criteria form of Graduate School shall recommend the candidates to be admitted.
- The Departmental recommended admission list endorsed by the Head of Department and the Chairman of the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee shall be forwarded to the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee which shall have the responsibility of rejecting candidates if they fail to meet the eligibility criteria. The Faculty Graduate Studies Committee shall submit to the School of Graduate Studies vetted recommendation list with covering letter only signed by the Chairman of the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee. Recommended list not endorsed by the Faculty Chairman, Faculty Graduate Studies Committee shall not be accepted by the Graduate School.
- The recommended list shall follow the format given by the School of Graduate Studies.
- The School of Graduate Studies shall vet the submissions from the Faculties. The criteria used by the School of Graduate Studies amongst others shall be as follows:
- Authenticity of the credentials submitted by the candidate
- Compliance with the set CGPA for admission
- Incomplete information on the recommended list sent from the Department/Faculty to School of Graduate Studies.
- Recommendation of candidates who have not successfully completed one programme of PGD but listed for higher level programme (M.Sc). Such recommendation shall be disqualified.
- Availability of academic staff to supervise the candidates
- The recommendations shall hereafter be presented to the Board who had been vested with authority by Senate to admit candidates into higher degree programmes.
No candidate shall be admitted to a programme unless his application has been approved by the Board.
- Admission Requirements
All candidates require a credit pass in English Language and Mathematics for all the courses. However, candidates who obtained their O’Level Certificates before 2012 without a credit pass in Mathematics and wish to gain admission into the following Departments are eligible to apply:
Faculty of Humanities
All the Departments in the Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Education
The Departments in the Faculty of Education
Faculty if Social Sciences
All the Departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences except the Department of Economics.
- Post-graduate Diploma Programmes
An applicant should be a graduate of University of Port Harcourt or a graduate from any other University recognized by the Senate of University of Port Harcourt. For Departments admitting candidates with HND background, such candidates must have upper credit. In addition, satisfy the departmental requirements specified in the respective programmes of study.
- Master’s Degree Programmes
Admission to the Master’s degree programme shall be from the University’s own B.A., B.Ed., B.Sc. or from any other recognized University. The degree shall normally be not less than second class or equivalent level with a CGPA of 3.00 points. ACGPA of 3.5 is required for those from PGD to Masters. Special departmental requirements are specified in the respective programmes of study.
- Doctor of Philosophy Programmes
Candidates for the Ph.D. Programme shall have a Master’s degree and should normally have had a minimum CGPA of 3.50/4.00 or its equivalent grade as required by specific Faculties/Departments/ Programmes. For candidates who obtained their Master’s exclusively by research assessment, admission will be based on the quality of their theses. Final selection of candidate will be based on interview performance. Special departmental admission requirements are specified in the relevant programme of study.
- Doctor of Medicine/Master of Surgery (M.D./M.S)
Candidates must be either Medical Graduates (MBBS) of the University of Port Harcourt for not less than 5 years or confirmed and experienced academic staff of the University with Medical degree or recognized Universities. Additional admission requirements are specified in the relevant programme of study.
- Procedure for Registration at School of Graduate Studies
Candidates whose applications have been approved by the Board shall be issued letters of admission for the commencement of registration.
(i) All fresh candidates who have been offered admission shall proceed to the Registration Unit of the School of Graduate Studies to be registered by the Registration Officer with the following documents
(a) Admission Letter
- Original Certificate for Verification
(c) NYSC discharge certificate
(d) Evidence of payment of prescribed fees
(ii) The candidate shall submit photocopies of receipts to the Registration Officer and in turn obtain student information forms and course registration forms.
- Procedure for Registration in the Department
When a candidate has been duly registered in the School of Graduate Studies he/she shall proceed to the Department where his/her choice of programme is for briefing by the Head of Department and Course Registration in the Department. The underlisted documents shall be presented for the Departmental Registration.
- Admission Letter
- Evidence of Registration at School of Graduate Studies
- Evidence of Payment of all dues.
Every student is expected on first registration to sign the University Register of Graduate Students at the School of Graduate Studies.
When all these procedures have been accomplished, the candidate has become a bona fide graduate student of the University of Port Harcourt.
- Deferment of Registration
A candidate may be allowed for good reasons to defer his/her registration for a year on the recommendation of his/her Faculty Graduate Studies Committee through the Depart-mental Graduate Studies Committee.
Candidates applying for such deferment of registration shall complete the prescribed forms obtainable from the School of Graduate Studies on payment of a prescribed deferment of registration shall normally be one year. A mount of fees for deferment of registration shall be as prescribed from time to time by the School of Graduate studies.
5.2.4 Renewal of Registration
Candidates shall renew their registration yearly at the commencement of each academic session until the completion of registration shall involve:
- Submission to the School of Graduate Studies a satisfactory Annual Progress Report duly approved by the Supervisor and the Chairman, Departmental Graduate Studies Committee/Head of Department of the candidate.
- Presentation to the School of Graduate Studies evidence of payment of the prescribed renewal fees.
5.2.5 Late Registration
All admitted candidates who fail to register within the registration period shall pay prescribed penalty fees.
5.2.6 Lapsed Registration
A candidate’s registration shall be deemed to have lapsed on the following grounds:
- Failure to renew registration in anyone session
- Failure to present oneself for examination at the expiration of the approved maximum period of the programme
- Inability to complete the requirements for the programme within the approved maximum period.
A registration that has lapsed on the grounds stated above shall not be reactivated.
Graduate students are required to undergo registration procedures at the beginning of each academic year during the course of their programme unit the programme is completed.
5.2.7 Multiple Registration
No student shall be allowed to register for more than one higher degree programme of the university at the same time. A student must complete the programme registered for, before embarking on another.
All Lectures of graduate programmes, Heads of Department, Chairmen of Departmental Graduate Studies Committee and Faculty Graduate Studies Committee and students shall cooperate fully with the School of Graduate Studies to enforce compliance of programme duration.
6.1 Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
For the PGDE programme, the course shall normally last for a minimum of 12 calendar months for full-time students or two consecutive vacations of eight weeks each (sand-wich programme) for part-time students. There shall be six week period of internship during which the student shall undertake supervised teaching practice. The maximum time allowed shall be 24 months for full time students and 3 long vacations for the part-time students (Sandwich programme).
6.2 Postgraduate Diploma in Petroleum Engineering (PGDPE), and Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (DCHE)
The PGDPE programme lasts for a minimum of twelve months and a maximum of 24 months, during which period student will be required to spend a minimum of two months in the field or laboratory, gaining practical and industrial experience.
6.3 The Postgraduate Diploma Programme of Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Engineering and Management Sciences
The programmes will normally be for a period of 12 calendar months full-time.
6.5 The Master’s Programme of Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Engineering and Education
Full-time candidates will be required to spend a minimum of 12 calendar months and a maximum of 24 calendar months. Port-time candidates will be required to spend a minimum calendar months and a maximum of 48 calendar months.
6.6 Sandwich Programmes for Master’s Degree
The Sandwich programmes shall run for a minimum of three long vacations and a maximum of five long vacations as follows:
- Course work shall be completed in two consecutive long vacations.
- The theses shall be completed within the third long vacation. Candidates who are unable to complete within the normal schedule may be allowed up to five vacations.
6.7 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Full-time candidates will be required to spend a minimum of 24 calendar months and a maximum of 60 calendar months.
Part-time candidates will be required to spend a minimum of 36 calendar months and a maximum of 84 calendar months.
6.8 Doctor of Medicine (M.D), Master of Surgery (M.S)
The programme will be for a minimum of 24 calendar months and maximum of 36 calendar months.
6.9 Notification of Expiry date of Studentship
In case of students whose maximum period in a programme is about to expire, e.g. 24 months for M.Sc. Full-time, the Graduate Studies Officer shall normally notify them 6 months before the expiry date for students that are in good standing with updated registration
7.1 The Postgraduate Diploma courses shall consist of
- Taught courses
- Practical and industrial attachment whichever is applicable
- Submission of written reports on projects
7.2 The Postgraduate Diploma in Education shall consist of
(i) Studies in theory and practice of education
(ii) Specialized procedure in teaching of subject
- Supervised practice in teaching
- Supervised Project
7.3 The Master’s and Doctor of Philosophy Programmes shall consist of
- i) Taught courses/Seminars
- ii) Attendance and participation in research seminars
iii) Preparation of thesis dissertation/project
7.4 Withdrawal from the University
(i) A student may be asked to withdraw on grounds of the following
(a) Unsatisfactory academic performance such as having a CGPA of less than 2.75 at the end of 1st year course work
(b) Failing a course twice
(c) Poor and irregular lecture attendance
(d) III health and
- Misbehavior
- A student may also voluntarily withdraw his studentship
On the recommendation of the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee through the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee, the Board of the School of Graduate Studies shall
- Appoint a supervisor for the thesis
- Approve the termination of a candidate or extend the period of study if so advised by the report of the supervisor
(a) A graduate student is expected to pass all taught courses with a minimum grade of “C’
(b) A student who fails a course shall re-register for it at the next available opportunity. A graduate student will not register for a course more than twice. Failure of a course twice amounts to automatic fail out/withdrawal from the programme
(c) At the end of the First Year Course Work, the student should have a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.75. A student who does not meet the minimum CGPA at the end of the First year shall be asked to withdraw.
- No student shall proceed to the thesis without a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above. A student who has exhausted both opportunities for all required course without attaining a CGPA of 3.00 shall be asked to withdraw.
- Course work grading system shall be as follows:-
70 and above A 5.00
60 – 69 B 4.00
50 – 59 C 3.00
0 – 49 F 0
- An important and integral part of the MA/MSc shall be the research seminar and attendance shall be obligatory. Such seminar will be organized at least twice a month (A seminar is defined as a place where research projects and their results, including those of the candidates, are presented and critically assessed)
Reset Examination of Graduate Programme has been abolished. However, failed courses may be retaken at one attempt only.
Any student in the School of Graduate Studies found guilty of examination misconduct of any sort shall be expelled. For clarity, examination misconduct is defined as all forms of cheating which directly or indirectly falsify the ability of a student. In other words, examination misconduct denotes any form of fraud committed by a student in order to pass an examination which under normal circumstances he or she would not have passed. Its forms are various, ranging from cheating in the examination hall such as impersonation, smuggling into the examination hall/room scribes of already prepared answers, copying from each other or one another (collusion), oral or written communication between/amongst students during examination, plagiarism of project, Dissertation and Thesis, etc.
For the examination of the candidates’ thesis/dissertation, the Board of examinations shall consist the approved External Examiner to the university, supervisors, Chairman, Departmental, Graduate Studies Committee, the Head of Department, Dean of the Faculty, and the Dean, School of Graduate Studies, who shall be the Chairman of the Board of Examiners.
Candidates shall submit for approval the title of their thesis/dissertation to the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee. The candidate shall, not less than two months before submitting himself for examination, notify the Board of the School of Graduate Studies in writing and state the full title of his thesis/dissertation.
(a) A candidate shall submit six copies of his/her thesis in paper binding to the Faculty Committee not later than two months to the date of the oral examination.
(b) Before the degree is conferred, three copies of the very thesis accepted shall be bound in a manner approved by the University Library and these shall become the property of the University.
(c) Regulations for the P.G.D project and will be specified by the Department Graduate Studies Committee.
(a) Each candidate shall be examined by not less than four examiners in accordance with regulations stipulated above. The examination shall be oral and questions asked and topics undertaken during such examination should not be limited to the context of his/her field of specialization.
(b) After the examination and with or without further consultation or correspondence among the examiners, the examiners shall submit to the appropriate Faculty Committee on a prescribed form a joint report on the candidate. The report shall contain.
(i) a clear and detailed evaluation of the research work as summed up in the thesis/dissertation;
(ii) a clear assessment of the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the subject as stated in the thesis and subsequent examination;
- an unequivocal declaration as to the acceptability or otherwise, of the thesis/dissertation in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree;
- In cases of difference of options, the examiners shall submit separate reports to the relevant Faculty Committee which shall make an appropriate recommendation to the Board of the School of Graduate Studies.
Each student’s Performance shall be based on:
- Continuous assessment and final examination in the taught courses
- Assessment of supervised teaching/seminars;
- Assessment of project.
Continuous assessment shall count 30% of a student’s grade for each taught course.
Final examinations shall be awarded with a distinction, upper credit, lower credit, merit or fail based on a candidate’s cumulative grade point average score as follows:
4.50-5.00 – Distinction
4.00-4.49 – Upper Credit
3.50-3.99 – Lower Credit – Merit
0.00-2.99 – Fail
Any candidate who resists any course shall not be eligible for a Distinction; and no candidate who fails to meet the graduate requirement within the normal period of his programme shall be eligible for the award of credit grade.
Duration of Programmes
Full-time candidates will be required to complete the programme in a minimum of 24 calendar months and a maximum of thirty-six calendar months.
Part-time candidates will be required to spend a minimum of thirty-six calendar months and a maximum of forty-eight calendar months.
The regulation for the Ph.D Programme shall be as for Master’s degree in Arts or Science except in the following areas:
- Admission Requirements
As stated in the general admission requirements above
(ii) Duration of programmes
As stated under duration above
- Scheme if study and appointment of supervisor
The Ph.D. is principally a research degree finally examined by thesis. The Departmental Graduate Studies Committee on the approval of the Board of School of Graduate Studies shall:
- Prescribe for each candidate on admission a minimum period of study (normally 2 calendar years)
- Appoint a supervisor
- Require attendance of any advanced courses approved by Senate for Ph.D
- Require the study or further study of any language or Languages prescribed by the supervisor if appropriate
- Satisfy any further conditions which may be specified by the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee concerned.
- Require regular attendance at the research seminars which will be organized at least twice a month.
- Require the presentation of Public Seminar at the School of Graduate Studies.
8.11 Examination Requirements for the Award of Ph.D Degree
The examination requirement for the award of the degree shall include any or all of the following as approved by the Senate for each candidate:
- Passing of written examination in the areas of the candidate’s programme;
- Proof of proficiency in the language prescribed for each candidate, if any:
- Submission of a Thesis and its acceptance by the examiners appointed for the purpose;
- Passing of an oral examination on the subject of the Thesis and related subjects.
8.12 Title of Thesis
The candidate shall in not less than two calendar months before submitting himself for examination, notify the Board of the School of Graduate Studies in writing through the appropriate Faculty Committee and state the title of his Thesis.
8.13 Submission of Thesis
(a) A candidate shall submit four copies of the Thesis in paper binding to the Faculty Committee not later than the beginning of the last semester of the prescribed period of study and not later than two months to the date of the examination
(b) A Thesis must conform to the specifications laid down by the School of Graduate Studies.
(c) Before the degree is conferred, three copies of every Thesis accepted shall be bound in a manner approved by the University Library and these shall become the property of the University.
8.14 Examination of Thesis
(a) Each candidate shall be examined by not less than four examiners approved by the Board of the School of Graduate Studies in accordance with regulation (5) above. The examiners shall be oral and shall include the subject of the research and related subjects.
(b) After the examination and with or without further consultation or correspondence among the examiners, the examiners shall submit to the Faculty Committee on a prescribed form a joint report on the candidate.
The report shall contain:
- a clear and detailed evaluation of the research work as summed up in the thesis, including an assessment of its originality and its contribution to the advancement of knowledge;
- a clear assessment of the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of his subject as shown in the thesis and subsequent examination;
- an unequivocal declaration as to the acceptability or otherwise of the thesis in fulfillment of the requirement of the degree, The report shall thereafter be forwarded by the Faculty Committee to the Board, School of Graduate Studies.
(c) Incase of difference of option, the examiners shall submit separate reports to the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee, which will make an appropriate recommendation to the Board, School of Graduate Studies.
(i) Circulation of Academic Calendar:
The School of Graduate Studies shall circulate the Academic Calendar to the Heads of Department at least two weeks before the commencement of a new session. The Heads of Department should thereafter circulate the Academic Calendar to the various Chairmen, Departmental Graduate Studies Committees and to all Course Lecturers involved in the Graduate Programmes.
(ii) Collection of Answer Scripts/Booklets and Envelopes:
The Heads of Department should pick the answer scripts and envelops from Office of the Chief Accountant, School of Graduate Studies
a week before each semester examination.
(i) Semester Results
ALL semester results must reach the School of Graduate Studies not later than six (6) weeks after examinations (i.e. 1st and 2nd Semester (Management and Entrepreneurship) shall carry a uniform credit load of 2 units as stipulated in the prospectus.
(ii) Failed Courses:
If a student passes a repeat examination, the failed and passed scores must be indicated on the Mark-sheet in the appropriate column and graded with a “C”.
(iii) Presentation of Final Results
The presentation of the Master Mark-sheet for the award of Degree shall be in tabular form and shall contain the following details:
- Full names of the students (surname should be in capital letters)
- The students’ Registration Numbers
- Course Codes
- Credit Units
- TQP = Total Quality Points
- TCU = Total Credit Units
- CGPA =Cumulative Grade Point Average
- Area of Specialization (for Masters and PhD) The Mark-sheet shall be certified by the following signatories:
- Chairman, Departmental Graduate Studies Committee
- Head of Department
- Dean of Faculty
- Dean, School of Graduate Studies
- Submission of Master Mark sheet, External Examiner’s Report Form and Thesis/Dissertation
- The HOD should submit the above items within six (6) weeks after the external defense, while the students should submit their corrected theses/dissertations to their departments within four (4) weeks after external defense.
- Delay in Submission of Results
Note that in the event of delay in submitting the results to the School of Graduate Studies, the Head of Department will be held responsible and appropriate sanctions shall apply.
The regulations stated below which have been approved are to be strictly followed:
9.1 Size of Paper
The approved side of paper for writing up is A4 and in case of scarcity approval could be sought for use of Foolscap size
9.2 Signatories
The underlisted members of a candidate’s Board of Examiners should sign the certification of theses/dissertations
Head of Department
Chairman, Departmental Graduate Committee
Dean of Faculty
External Examiner
Chairman, Board of Examiners
9.3 Length
Theses/dissertations should normally not fall below a minimum 25, 000 words for Master’s Dissertation and 50,000 for Ph.D Thesis. The font of writing shall be font 12 and style is Times New Romans.
9.4 Binding
(a) Colours for Binding
Each thesis/dissertation should be bound in the colour of the awarding Faculty and the colours approved for various faculties are:
College of Health Science Purple
Education Blue
Humanities Terra cotta
Social Sciences Black
Science Gold
Engineering Orange
Management Beige
(b) Binding Specifications
The technical and other requirements are listed below
Style: Library Binding or full bound
Size of Book: A4, 210X297mm
Weight of Board: 400gms
End papers Cartridges: Paper 9clothlined joints or made end paper
Blocking Gold or Aluminum foil.
Title and author cover and spine
Strengthening Material: Mull. Calico. Tape
Round and Back Yes
Cover Materials: Art canvas, leather cloth,
waterproof library cloth
buckram (A good quality
material that will take hard
wear for a considerable time and will have much better tensile strength and resistance to abrasion)
Linings: Crepe Kraft with split board
Decoration: Head band (optional) write your name, degree, Department and year on the spin of the bound thesis/dissertation
Font type for the all Thesis/Dissertation should be in Time New Roman and the Font Size is 12. The body of the Thesis/Dissertation should be in double line spacing except the abstract.
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Declaration
- Certification
- Dedication should be simple and to the point
- Acknowledgements (should be one page starting with the supervisor)
- Abstract –(single line spacing and not more than 300 words for Thesis and 250 wards for Dissertation and not italicized.
- Table of Contents (there should be no lines)
- List of Tables (where applicable)
- List of Figures (where applicable)
- List of Plates (where applicable
- List of Abbreviations/Symbols (where applicable)
- Background to the Study
- Statement of the Problem
- Aim and Objectives of the Study
- Research Questions/Hypothesis (if required)
- Significance of the Study (Benefits derivable from study)
- Biography of the Author of the works being studied (if applicable)
- Scope of the study/Delimitation
2.1 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework (If applicable)
2.2 Empirical Review (aim, methods, findings of previous works and relevance to present study, identified gaps in the literature)
2.3 Periodization of existing literature/stylistic development/genres (if required)
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Study Area (where applicable)
3.3 Population for the study (where applicable)
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques (where necessary)
3.5 Nature/Sources of Data-Primary/Secondary
3.6 Methods of Data Collection/Instrumentation
3.7 Validity/Reliability of Instrument (if required)
3.8 Methods of Data Analysis
3.9 Ethical Approval (if applicable)
4.1 Research and Analysis (Addressing objectives and hypotheses (where necessary, substantiated with tables, figures, plates, theorems)
4.2 Discussion of Findings
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Limitations (where applicable)
5.3 Conclusions
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Contributions to knowledge
References American Psychological Association style should be adopted.
APPENDICES To be structured according to the chapters.
- Tables should be on separate pages. Without grids or lines
- Figures on separate pages
- Plates on separate pages
(If possible multiples of tables or figures or plates can be on a page)
Numbering of Tables, Figures, Plates and Equations should be Chapter specific.
- Pagination: Roman numerals (Preliminary pages) and Arabic numerals (the rest of the Thesis/Dissertation), numbering: bottom-centered
- Colour: Faculty Colour
Degree(s) and Awarding Institution)
Degree(s) and Awarding Institution(s)
A Thesis/Dissertation submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree if Doctor of Philosophy of (Ph.D/Master of Arts/Science/Engineering/Education (M.A/MSc.M.Eng/M.Ed) in (Area of Specialisation) ……………………………………………in the Department of …………………………………….Faculty of ……………………………………………… University of Port Harcourt.
Names(s) of Supervisor(s) Month/Year of Viva
I, ………………..FULL NAME (SURNAME FIRST, Other Names) with Registration Number………….
…………………..declare that the work in this Thesis/Dissertation on……………TOPIC…………………
…………………..was carried out by me; that it is my original work and that it has not been submitted wholly or in part for the award of a degree in this or any other institution.
Name of Student;………… …………………………..Signature/Date:………………………………………
Confirmation by Supervisor(s)
Name of Supervisor (1) ……………………………………….Signature/Date:……………………………..
Name of Supervisor (2) ………………………………….. ….Signature/Date:……………………………..
The Board of Examiners certifies that this Thesis/Dissertation is accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)/Master of Arts/Science/Engineering/Education (M.A./M.Sc/M. Eng/M.Ed)in Area Specialisation.
Supervisor (1) ………………… …………… ………………
Supervisor (2) ………………… …………… ………………
Chairman, Dept. Graduate
Studies Committee ……………… …………… ………………
Head of Department/
Director of Centre ……………… …………… ………………
Dean of Faculty ……………… …………… ………………
External Examiner ……………. …………… ………………
Dean, School of Graduate
Studies/Chairman, Board
Of Examiners ……………… …………… ………………
N.B. Students are to contact their Chairman, Departmental Graduate Studies Committees/Heads of Departments or Graduate Studies Officer to confirm the form of the Title and Certification pages. Details on styles of presentation are expected to be provided by the respective disciplines.
(a) An academic staff member below the rank of Reader/Professor should not supervise more than THREE Master’s students and ONE Doctoral student from any annual intake
(b) A Reader/Professor may supervise THREE Master’s students and TWO Doctoral students from any annual intake
(c) Faculties of Education and Management Sciences are allowed a maximum of FIVE Master’s students
- Academic staff supervising Ph.D students should not be below the rank of Senior Lecturer
- Academic staff supervising Master’s students should normally not be below the rank of Lecturer I. However, M.Sc holders are not encouraged to supervise M.Sc students.
The school awards a number of scholarships per session to the value determined regularly by the Development Committee of the University per recipient as allowance, in addition to free tuition and accommodation.
Eligibility for the Award
Holders of at least a second class upper division degree of the University of Port Harcourt or other recognized Universities after successful screening by an interview panel. Holders should not have a paid employment.
Duration of the Award
The award shall be for one year only, subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds.
In addition to scholarship, School provides for the award of Research and Teaching Assistantships to a carefully selected number of top candidates with at least a 2nd Class Upper Degree who will, in addition to being registered for a specified higher degree, be required to assist in grading of scripts and in the research Programme of academic staff, subject to a maximum of specified number of contact hours.
All holders of 2nd class upper and above honours degree of the University of Port Harcourt and other recognized Universities who are registered for the Ph.D programmes Holders should not have any paid employment.
Value of the Award
Remunerations shall normally be fixed by the University.
Successful candidates shall in addition to being registered for a specific degree, assist in the grading of scripts and in the research programmes of the department.
The Assistantship Award is for one year but could be renewed for another year subject to availability of funds and satisfactory progress.
1. | Ph.D Science, CHS & Engr. |
103,000.00 |
3,000.00 |
2,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
35.000.00 |
180,000.00 |
2. | PhD Social Sciences, Education & Management Sciences |
85,000.00 |
3,000.00 |
2,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
35.000.00 |
162,000.00 |
3. | M.Sc. Sciences, Public Health, Engineering & Surgery |
83,000.00 |
3,000.00 |
2,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
35.000.00 |
160,000.00 |
4. | M.Sc./MBA/Mana-
gement |
84,000.00 |
3,000.00 |
2,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
35.000.00 |
161,000.00 |
5. M.Sc. Social Sciences, MED
Education, MD Humanities |
73,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 150,000.00 |
6. M. Enve. & MEM Engineering | 105,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 182,000.00 |
7. PGD: Engineering, Science &
Medicine |
95,000.00 |
3,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
172,000.00 |
8. PGD: Humanities, Education,
Social Science and Management Sciences |
76,000.00 |
3,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
35,000.00 |
153,000.00 |
9. MED Education (Sandwich) | 87.000.00 | 3,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 117,000.00 |
10. PGDE Education (Sandwich) | 61,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 10.000.00 | 91,000.00 |
Non Science Courses OTHER NATIONALS
DETAIL | PGD | M.Sc. | Ph.D |
Bench Examination Health Caution Library fee Supervision I.D. Card |
– 20,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 |
440, 000.00
– 22,000.00 55,000.00 11,000.00 5,500.00 11,000.00 5,500.00 |
– 23,000.00 57,500.00 11,500.00 5,750.00 11,500.00 5,750.00 |
TOTAL | 500,000.00 | 550,000.00 | 575,000.00 |
DETAIL | PGD | M.Sc. | Ph.D |
Science Courses
Tuition Bench Examination Health Caution Library fee Supervision I.D. Card |
400,000.00 150,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 |
440, 000.00 165,000.00 22,000.00 55,000.00 11,000.00 5,500.00 11,000.00 5,000.00 |
460,000.00 172,500.00 23,000.00 57,500.00 11,500.00 5,750.00 11,500.00 5,750.00 |
TOTAL | 650,000.00 | 715,000.00 | 747,000.00 |
- School Fee items include project Supervision which had been increased to N25,000.00, out of which N25,000.00 is for Professors/Readers, N20,000.00 for Senior Lecturers and N15,000.00 for Lecturers’ I per student, per session.
- Staff with approved School Fees Waiver are expected to apply 60% of the total School Fee.
- Later Registration: All admitted candidates per who fail to register within the registration period shall pay a late registration fee of 30% of the sessional fee.
- Change of Mode of Study, Deferment of Admission and Change of Course, shall attract a charge of 10% of the tuition.
Late Registration
All admitted candidates who fail to register within the Registration period shall pay a late registration fee of 30% of the sessional fee.
Fresh and Returning students are expected to pay N3, 000 only as ICTC charges. Foreign students are to pay N39, 500 only.
ACCOMMODATION: Post Graduate Diploma students are not entitled to accommodation. bed spaces are limited for Masters and Doctoral students and subject to confirmation of bed space by the Students Affairs Unit, accommodation fee is fixed by the University.
11.7 Pro Rata Fees
Payment on a pro rata basis has been abolished with effect from the 1991/92 Session.
11.8 Refund Of Fees
(1) No partial refunds shall be made for courses dropped by a student. To be eligible for refund a student must withdraw from all other courses.
(2) To be eligible for refund a student who withdraws from all his courses must do so with the knowledge and consent of his Supervisor/Adviser who will communicate his comments to the Dean, Graduate School through the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee or Head of Department.
(3) Refunds will be pro-rated as follows
(i) 100%; if student is required to withdraw for academic reasons
(ii) 80%: if done within the first two weeks after the beginning of Classes
(iii)50%: if done within the first six weeks after the beginning of Classes
Thereafter no refund will be made.
Any graduate student found cheating in any Examination shall be expelled from the University. The comment ‘W” (Withdrawal) shall be used for the record of students that withdraw from their programs.
Graduate Students are accommodated in the Graduate Hostel at University Park. The University does not guarantee hostel accommodation for every student.
Health Services are provided for all students and members of staff at Medical Centre situated at the Choba Park. The services include the General Out-patient Clinics and Emergencies, Environmental and Public Health Immunization, Family Planning and referrals.
All students and members of staff are required to register at the Medical Centre. Any candidate unable to sit for an examination on account of illness duly certified by a medical authority approved by the University’s Director of Medical Services may be allowed to take the examination at the next period as first attempt. The candidate shall notify the Dean, School of Graduate Studies through the Head of Department and the Dean of Faculty of this fact and shall submit a valid medical certificate to be authenticated by the Director of Medical Services (MDS)
Senate at its 381st meeting held on Wednesday, February, 29, 2012, approved the School of Graduate Studies Overstay Report. The implementation is with effect from March 21, 2012.
The approved decisions are as follows:
1. | Ph.D | (a) Full-Time Candidates are deemed to have overstayed after the period of 6 years that is, 1 extra year after the statutory 5 years
(b) Part-Time Candidates are deemed to have Overstayed after the period of 9 years that is, 1 extra years after the statutory 7 years. |
2. | Masters | (a) Full-Time Candidates are deemed to have overstayed after the period of 36 calendar months, that is, 12 Calendar months (1 extra year) after the statutory 24 Calendar Months.
(b) Part-Time Candidates are deemed to have Overstayed after the period of 60 Calendar months, that is, extra Calendar months after the statutory 48 Calendar months. |
3. | PGD | Candidates in the Full-Time PGD Programmes are deemed to have overstayed after a period of 24 Calendar months, that is, 12 extra Calendar months, after the statutory 12 Calendar months. |
PGD (Full-Time) | Candidates in the Full-Time PGD Programmes are deemed to have overstayed after a period of 24 Calendar months, that is, 12 extra Calendar months, after the statutory 12 Calendar months. | |
PGDE (Sandwich) | Sandwich candidates in the PGDE Programme are deemed to have overstayed after a period of 4 long vacations, that is, 1 extra long vacation after the statutory 3 long vacations |
The Senate also approved that:
- Candidates who have overstayed the newly approved duration of the programmes should re-apply and start afresh. That is, purchase new forms and get new registration number as new students
- Candidates’ old results, fees, etc will be considered null and void.
This course should cover essentials of spreadsheets, Internet technology, Statistical Packages, Precision and Accuracy of Estimates, Principles of Scientific Research, Concepts of Hypothesis, Formulation and Testing, Organization of Research and Report Writing.
The course will cover business environment, general management, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship development, Feasibility studies, marketing and managerial problem so
Prof. Kinikanwo A. Anele
Phone: 08038890832
The Associate Dean School of Graduate Studies
Prof. Chinedu .N. Ogbuji
Phone: 08035419583
The Director/Graduate Studies Officer
Flora Frank Iyagba (FNIM)
BSc, MSc Economics, MSc, Sociology
Phone: +2348057728064
Deputy Bursar/School of Graduate Studies
Mr. Lawrence Leziga .H. Deeyor
Phone: 08036744829
Deputy Registrar/Admissions Officer
Mrs. Ibanga, Ime Ufford
BA History, Masters in Industrial & Labour Relations
Phone: 08034728224