March 18, 2024

Message from the Deputy Vice Chancellor - Research & Development

In keeping with the 9th Vice Chancellor’s vision of a prosperous University of Port Harcourt, the Office of Research and Development is to ensure that the individual prosperity of staff and that of the University is driven by innovation, technology transfer and commercialization of research outcomes.

In the past two years we have set about changing the mindset of teachers and postgraduate students by getting them to see themselves as academic entrepreneurs who see research as an enterprise. We did this by organizing a workshop on “building an ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship for the sustainable development of the University of Port Harcourt in November 2022, and in October 2023 we had another workshop themed “Deepening the foundations of innovation and entrepreneurship.” At this later workshop, we emphasized the need to move away from celebrating research, the creation of new knowledge to celebrating new knowledge that results in a technology, a new or improved way of doing things and importantly, solves a problem of society (innovation).


In his new year address to the University, the Vice Chancellor said inter alia, “this year we strive to foster innovation and integrate technology to enhance teaching, learning and research. This entails substantial investments in infrastructure and digital platforms to support online and hybrid education. We will cultivate a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and interdisciplinary collaboration that positions our institution at the forefront of cutting-edge advancements.” He has thus set an agenda for us.


Accordingly, we have resolved that our efforts in 2024 will be geared towards fostering partnerships with industry and collaborating with other universities within and outside Nigeria, to determine the needs of industry that our researchers can fill and to access resources that will enable very high-quality research. We have thus reached agreements with Opolo Global Innovation Limited to establish an Innovation Hub in our University and with several Universities including a consortium of Universities in Portugal, Cape Peninsula University of Technology and others.


The level of participation and enthusiasm that attended our last Innovation Week suggests that as researchers we are ready to embrace innovation and entrepreneurship. The Vice Chancellor had promised at the event to help raise significant funds to drive innovation, reward quality grant writing, to encourage the development of a mechanism for identifying intellectual property in postgraduate research and encourage publication of research output in high quality journals. The theme for the 2024 Innovation Week is thus, “The Future Now: Creativity and Innovation for Sustainable Development.” We received a number of innovative ideas last year and we feel it is time to put those ideas to work for the researchers’ wellbeing and for the sustainable development of our University.


This year we also celebrated several researchers and members of faculty who distinguished themselves in the international arena by their industry and remarkable contributions to research and scholarship. Among these are Prof Vincent Idemyor who was awarded the Donald E. Francke medal by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists for his contributions to advanced pharmacy practice, Dr Obari Gomba who won the NLNG Prize for Literature worth $100,000 and Prof Anthony Onoja and team who won the European Union Erasmus Mundus grant, Create Green Africa, to build knowledge and skills of students, trainees and staff on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa. We also celebrate all those who won TETFUND’s National Research Fund (NRF) grants.


As a university, we were rewarded for our efforts at promoting innovation and entrepreneurship with an offer by TETFUND to renovate and equip a dedicated building, thus transforming it into an Innovation Hub. We also had a grant from TETFUND to build a multidisciplinary research laboratory that will occupy 3-4 hectares of land.


The office of Research and Development will continue to do everything possible to enhance the capability and capacity of our staff and students to conduct research of the highest quality, to promote the incubation of business ideas and the facilitation of start-ups and spin-offs through our Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Office, Technology Park and Innovation Hubs. It is our hope that beginning this year, our university will realize its true potential as we all commit to making ours a truly entrepreneurial University by ensuring that all research is geared towards solving a problem, that intellectual property that results from such research is protected by a patent and licensed to industry for commercialization.



Professor Iyeopu M Siminialayi

February 29 2024  



 The University of Port Harcourt as a public university was established by an Act of Parliament of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which commenced in 1975 as a College of the University of Lagos and became an independent University in 1977. The University of Port Harcourt is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), Association of African Universities (AAU) and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM, collaborating with several governmental and non-governmental organizations locally and internationally.


Uniquely located between the southern-most part of the West African tropical rain forest, and the northern fringes of wetlands, swamps, rivers and mangrove forests that make up the Niger Delta and the hub of the oil and gas industry in Nigeria, the University is surrounded by rural agrarian and artisanal communities that have been positively impacted by its presence in the area. The University of Port Harcourt like all public and private universities in Nigeria is accountable to the Federal Ministry of Education through the National Universities Commission (NUC) which regulates all Universities in Nigeria. The University has international accreditation of all programmes in the World Bank Africa Centres of Excellence for Oilfied Chemicals Research and Public Health and Toxicological Research. Also, the University has undergone an international quality review – gap analysis stage done by QAA Global for the rest of its programmes.


The office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Development has evolved over the past thirteen years.  Instituted as the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor in 2010 to 2015, Centre for Research Management and Development (CEREMAD) from 2015 to 2021 and reinstated to the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor in 2021 till date. The office is charged with the responsibility of playing a pivotal role in fostering a vibrant research culture within the University and to contribute to the advancements in knowledge and innovation.


In the vibrant realm of academia, the University of Port Harcourt stands as a beacon of intellectual prowess. Our progressive Webometrics ranking among Nigerian Universities attests to our untiring effort and we also rank 30th in Africa.

This feat was achieved as a result of the unwavering focus on academic growth by the 9th Vice Chancellor Professor Owunari Abraham Georgewill with Professor Iyeopu Siminialayi steering the R&D ship. Their combined efforts have resulted in substantial improvements in academic growth, setting new benchmarks for educational standards and innovation.


Professor Siminialayi commenced a two-year first tenure an an impactful journey of achievements on August 18, 2021.  Then on August 19, 2023, the R&D helmsman embarked on a renewed term, signifying a continuity of leadership crucial for sustained progress, poised to orchestrate more triumphs aimed at positioning the R&D Office as a cornerstone of the University’s success stories. 


This holds the promise of further innovation, intellectual property protection, technology transfer and entrepreneurship in alignment with the vision of the 9th Vice Chancellor to establish the University of Port Harcourt as a genuinely entrepreneurial institution, with focus on fostering research that generates innovative solutions to societal challenges, research output intended to be translated into technologies with commercial potential, thereby contributing to the University’s revenue, enhancing researchers’ incomes, generating employment opportunities, and supporting Nigeria’s initiatives towards industrialization.


The University has 1411 academic staff with Professors representing the largest group (446) which accounts for 31.61% of the total.  Senior Lecturers form the second-largest group, with 362, making up 25.66% of the population.  Lecturer Is are 220 in number or 15.59%. Lecturer IIs are 140, representing 9.92%. Assistant Lecturers are 91 or 6.45% of the population.  Readers are 125, accounting for 8.86%.  Graduate Assistants are 9 in number, making up 0.64%. Senior Librarian rank comprises 5, or 0.35%. Research Fellow I and Librarian I each have 3, both contributing 0.21% to the total.  Assistant Librarian, Research Fellow II, and Librarian II each have 2 academic staff, constituting 0.14% each. Lastly, there is 1 Deputy Librarian, which is 0.07% of the total population.


In summary, the academic staff, such as Professors, Readers, and Senior Lecturers, comprise 66.13% of the total roles. In contrast, Deputy Librarian is the least represented rank.  Below are graphical illustrations of our academic staff strength, their qualifications and gender:

Figure 1: Ranking of Academic Staff

Figure 2: Qualifications of Academic Staff with FPG Medical College distinct

Figure 3: Qualifications of Academic Staff

Figure 4: Sex of Academic Staff

Key: FPGMC = Fellowship of Post Graduate Medical College

Figure 5: Qualifications by Sex among Academic Staff

Figure 6: Qualifications by Sex among Academic Staff

Figure 7: Professorial Ranking by Sex among Academic Staff

The University’s vision remains to optimize the research and development potentials through the creation of an excellent environment for sustainable research and developmental efforts while our mission is to provide support for research and development in the University with the strategic goals and objectives as follows:

  1. To coordinate all Centres involved with research and training in the University to ensure they function optimally and to collate, administer, manage, provide information and coordinate research activities in the University of Port Harcourt.
  2. To monitor and evaluate research processes and progress in the University
  3. To facilitate the implementation of the University’s Research Management Policy and the Strategic Research Plan.
  4. To facilitate access to grants and sponsorships for conferences and capacity development for staff.
  5. To support the endowment and functionality of Professorial Chairs in the University
  6. To build the capacity of university academics; the professional and technical staff on quality research and provide mentoring for optimal research output.
  7. To support the effective operation of the Research Ethics and Bioethics Committee.
  8. To promote collaboration, research infrastructure development and the internationalization of research.
  9. To promote innovation, partnership with industry, intellectual property protection and technology transfer.
  10. To ensure that graduate research is of such high quality as to create new knowledge and technology and to ensure that research solves local problems.


Tasks Overview

 The office oversees the implementation of technology transfer, protects intellectual properties, fosters economic development and administers sponsored programmes. 

The office also ensures that the consciousness of research ethics and integrity is inculcated in the minds of the University’s teeming researchers.  At the heart of its activities is supporting research innovations and implementing research outputs.

  • Oversee the University’s animal care and use programmes
  • Oversee the activities of National Research Centres within the University, University-wide Research Centres, development of innovation, commercialization and entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  • Be responsible for grantsmanship training of researchers, nurturing excellence in research scholarship and creative activity across the entire university.
  • Provide oversight of research activity of the faculties’ research centres, units and laboratories
  • Develop R&D strategic plan, annual research reports and magazines to market the impacts of research activities.
  • Be responsible for managing research relationships with government, industry, foundations and international sponsors championing research, and supporting academics.
  • Ensure Technology Park development.
  • Ensure Art Village development.
  • Ensure Science Centre development.
  • Facilitate the Development of Central Research Laboratories (Science, Engineering, Medicine; Art Studio).
  • Organise Annual Research Fair/Conferences/Innovation Week
  • Organise Art Fair.
  • Secure and Monitor Professorial Chairs/Fellowships/Visiting Scholars.
  • Secure placements and monitor Post-Doctoral Research.


Research Outputs

 The administration of Prof. Owunari Abraham Georgewill is committed to fostering an environment where research thrives. Our faculty members, renowned experts in their fields, contribute significantly to the academic landscape through their scholarly endeavors to unravel mysteries, challenge paradigms, and pioneer innovative solutions.  In our relentless pursuit of academic excellence, we understand the importance of accessibility to research resources hence we proudly provide access to Google Scholar citations of our esteemed researchers. With updates to the latest developments, citations, and scholarly impact generated by the University of Port Harcourt community, we invite you to explore the depths of knowledge and scholarly contributions at where a comprehensive repository of all 1,320 publications by our team of researchers in 2023.


Highlights and Recognitions

 The University of Port Harcourt’s narrative of triumph through hard work and achievement is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its academic community. As we celebrate the global recognitions earned by some of our trailblazing staff members, we also recognize Professor Owunari Abraham Georgewill, our 9th Vice Chancellor’s commitment to fostering a fertile environment where success is not only encouraged but celebrated. This journey serves as an inspiration, reminding us that in the pursuit of excellence, commitment and resilience are the catalysts that propel us toward unparalleled success.

In the realm of academia, this reporting year has witnessed a profound celebration of excellence, with numerous researchers and faculty members garnering international acclaim for their outstanding contributions to various industries. Join us as we shine a spotlight on some of the distinguished individuals who have left an indelible mark on the global stage having their taproots right here in the University of Port Harcourt.

First on this harvest of awards is:

Prof Vincent Idemyor who keeps pioneering advancements in Pharmacy Practice. 

In a momentous achievement, Prof Vincent Idemyor has been honored with the prestigious Donald E. Francke Medal by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists. This accolade stands as a testament to his groundbreaking contributions to advanced pharmacy practice. Prof Idemyor’s innovative work has not only elevated the field but has also set a standard for excellence that reverberates globally.

Dr Obari Gomba: Literary Excellence Recognized

A Winner of the NLNG Prize for Literature

Dr Obari Gomba, a luminary in the literary world, has clinched the coveted NLNG Prize for Literature, a distinguished accolade accompanied by a substantial $100,000 award. This recognition underscores Dr Gomba’s exceptional talent and profound impact on the literary landscape. His literary prowess has not only captivated audiences but has also cemented his position as a trailblazer in contemporary literature.

Prof Anthony Onoja and Team: Shaping the Future with EU Erasmus Mundus Grant.

Recipients of the European Union Erasmus Mundus Grant: Create Green Africa

The collaborative efforts of Prof Anthony Onoja and his team have secured the esteemed European Union Erasmus Mundus Grant for their project, Create Green Africa. This initiative is poised to impart knowledge and skills to students, trainees, and staff, focusing on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa. The grant not only recognizes the team’s dedication but also acknowledges their commitment to building a sustainable future for the continent.

TETFUND’s National Research Fund (NRF) Grant Winners

In addition to these remarkable individuals, we extend our congratulations to all the recipients of TETFUND’s National Research Fund (NRF) grants. These grants signify a commitment to fostering groundbreaking research and innovation, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and expertise across diverse academic domains.

DVC R&D, Prof. Iyeopu Siminialayi [right], congratulating Peter James Kpolovie [left] for “The Name in Science Award”

One most recent development is the clinching of the award, “THE NAME IN SCIENCE” by our very own Professor Peter James Kpolovie. 

Professor Peter James Kpolovie is the Director of Graduate Research, and former Director, of the Academic Planning, Research and Control Unit, at the University of Port Harcourt.  The Oxford Awards Agency, Academic Union Oxford, Europe Business Assembly, The Rectors’ Club (The Club of the Rectors of Europe – CRE), the multicultural community of professionals, researchers, practitioners, and inventors, and The Socrates Committee, headquartered in Oxford, The United Kingdom, have honoured PETER JAMES KPOLOVIE with one of the highest awards, THE NAME IN SCIENCE.

The award, THE NAME IN SCIENCE, is given to scientists, inventors, business innovators and researchers who have made worthy contributions to the intellectual development of the modern world, intercultural communication and partnership, promoting the establishment of social progress and humanization of society. The award was established by a joint decision of the Club of Rectors 2010 (Protocol No. 2010.11.10) in Oxford (The United Kingdom).

For a more comprehensive report and access to some of the exceptionally valuable and indelible contributions of Prof. Peter James Kpolovie to world science, which are captured in his several Award-Winning books, readily available online at, please refer to

As we reflect on the accomplishments of Prof Vincent Idemyor, Dr Obari Gomba, Prof Anthony Onoja, and the TETFUND NRF grant winners, and the newest addition of Professor Peter James Kpolovie, we are reminded of the transformative power of education and research. These luminaries not only exemplify excellence but also serve as beacons of inspiration for future generations.  These achievements stand as a testament to the limitless possibilities that dedication, innovation, and collaboration can unlock.

 Research Impacts/Development Initiatives

Summary of development projects and programs from Faculties, Institutes and Centres

Please refer to for the

Africa Center of Excellence in Public Health and Toxicological Research 2023 Annual Report.

University of Port Harcourt Technology Park Business Policy: Kindly follow the link below

The 5th Vice Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt, Professor Nimi D. Briggs was given a posthumous 80th birthday celebration.  The title of the Public Lecture which was the highlight of the event was “The Nimi Briggs Effect, Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Quality University Education In Nigeria”.  For details, kindly go to


Review of the UniPort Strategic Research Plan

Professor Chukwudi O. Onyeasor submitting the report to the Vice Chancellor Professor Owunari Abraham Georgewill. Sub photos showing other members of the Committee flanked behind the University’s Principal Officers.

In a significant leap towards academic advancement, the University of Port Harcourt has extended its Strategic Research Plan, charting a visionary course from October 2023 to 2028. Our esteemed Vice Chancellor, Prof. Owunari Abraham Georgewill, appointed a dedicated Committee, led by Prof. Chukwudi O. Onyeasor and comprising seasoned Professors and reliable Administrators, to meticulously oversee this crucial task, thus setting the stage for the institution’s ambitious journey in the next seven years.

In pursuit of its mission, the Committee actively sought and compiled research focal points from every facet of the University, spanning Faculties, Centers, and Institutes. This inclusive approach not only enriches the diversity of research initiatives but also ensures a holistic representation of the academic landscape.

The Committee’s exhaustive findings and recommendations have been meticulously documented in a robust report, available on the R&D website at    This comprehensive resource serves as a roadmap, guiding the University towards unparalleled academic excellence.

Some key recommendations include:

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Foster collaboration among faculties to encourage interdisciplinary research, breaking down traditional silos and promoting innovative approaches.
  • Technology Integration: Embrace cutting-edge technologies to enhance research capabilities, ensuring the University remains at the forefront of technological advancements.
  • Global Outreach Programs: Establish international collaborations and exchange programs to broaden the University’s global footprint, fostering a diverse and enriching academic environment.
  • Future Prospects: A Glimpse into the Next Seven Years – As the University of Port Harcourt embarks on this extended Strategic Research Plan, the prospects for academic growth and innovation are promising. With a dedicated leadership team, collaborative research efforts, and a commitment to excellence, the institution is poised to redefine the boundaries of knowledge and make a lasting impact on the global academic stage.
  • Powering Academic Pursuits: Ensuring Uninterrupted Power Supply – The Committee called for a review of the present state of power supply, stating that consistent power supply in actualizing the research vision of our University cannot be overstated. Recognizing the need for a solution, the Committee advocates entrusting the Faculty of Engineering or establishing a dedicated Committee comprising specialists and stakeholders. Addressing this issue is crucial, especially considering that research activities often extend beyond regular working hours. A resolution to this challenge would undeniably boost the research productivity of our esteemed University.
  • Strategic Funding for Unleashing Research Potential – In the pursuit of promoting research significance within our University, the Committee proposes several strategic initiatives:

         Designated Bank Account for Research Funds – Establishing a specific bank account for all research funds with unique headings or codes ensures transparent and accountable financial management.

         Allocating 10% of Annual Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) – Demonstrating commitment, the University Management should allocate 10% of its annual IGR to support research activities.

         Integrating Research Support in Grant Applications – Encouraging researchers to allocate 10% of grant applications specifically for University support fosters a culture of self-sustaining research.

         Monthly Contributions from Teaching Staff – After consultation, the Committee suggests a monthly contribution from teaching staff towards research efforts, with unique codes for transparency. Recommendations include N1000.00 for senior academics and N500.00 for junior academics.

         Reinstituting Senate Research Grants – To further incentivize research, the University Management should reintroduce Senate Grants Awards, fostering healthy competition among academics.

         Transparent Handling of Research Funds – Ensuring confidence and accountability, the Committee recommends segregating research funds in a separate account with specific signatories, fostering a positive foundation for future research endeavors.

         Recognizing Excellence at the Annual Research Fair – The Committee proposes monetary incentives for outstanding researchers during the Annual Research Fair, reinforcing a culture of excellence.

         Patents: A Fair Division of Success – The Committee advocates a 50:50 sharing model for proceeds from patents, acknowledging the joint contributions of both the researcher and the University to the achievement.

         Bridging the Staffing Gap: Employment Initiatives – Recognizing the existing gap among teaching staff due to prolonged employment embargoes, the Committee welcomes the decision to lift the embargo. This initiative aims to create a balanced distribution across Faculties, fostering mentorship and the transfer of research culture to younger generations.

         Streamlining Ethical Review Processes – Timely review of research proposals by the University Ethics Committee is crucial for publication acceptance in high-impact journals. The Committee urges expedited reviews to encourage researchers to adhere to due ethical processes.

         Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation – Promoting awareness of the Strategic Research Plan across all University units, the Committee emphasizes the need for annual monitoring and evaluation by the University Research Advisory Board/Committee.

         Establishing a Central Repository for Research Findings – To cultivate a research culture and facilitate open science, the Committee proposes an annual submission of academic staff’s publications to the Centre for Research Management and the University Library.

         Recognition for Outstanding Research Contributions – Acknowledging the University’s commitment to recognizing exceptional research, the Committee suggests procuring and distributing impactful research materials within the University.


Celebrating the University of Port Harcourt Innovation Week

The University also organized the maiden Uniport Innovation Week between October 23 and 27, 2023 themed “Deepening the Foundations of Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. This was achieved in a partnership between the Office of Research and Development, the African Centre of Excellence in Oilfield Chemical Research, the African Centre of Excellence in Public Health and Toxicological Research, the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Office and the Uniport Entrepreneurship Centre, all in the University of Port Harcourt.  Within the intricate domain of anaesthesiology, innovation stands as a beacon of progress and refinement. The year 2023 heralded a significant breakthrough with the advent of Prof. Sotonye Fyneface-Ogan’s pioneering approach to Epidural Space Localization. This groundbreaking method, coined the “Slingshot Approach,” has garnered widespread recognition and acclaim, culminating in Prof. Fyneface-Ogan being conferred the distinguished title of Innovator of the Year.

The epidural space, a pivotal locus within anaesthesiology, poses inherent challenges concerning precise localization. Historically, anaesthesiologists have grappled with an array of techniques, each fraught with its complexities and limitations. However, Prof. Fyneface-Ogan’s innovative approach marks a paradigm shift in epidural space localization.

Some highlights of this celebration as explained by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Prof. Iyeopu Siminialayi at the opening ceremony included:

  • Showcasing the difference between a research fair and an innovation week
  • Exploring the dynamic relationship between research and entrepreneurship
  • The Essence of Research vs Innovation
  • Research: Unearthing Knowledge
  • Research is the pursuit or the uncovering new knowledge or the reimagining of existing information. It is a meticulous exploration that contributes to the expansion of our understanding. In essence, research results in the creation of new knowledge, ideas, or technology that addresses problems or enhances existing products and services.
  • Innovation: Pioneering Change. Research results in innovation when it generates novel ideas, birthing new products, refining processes, upgrading services, or revolutionizing business models. It is the catalyst for change, introducing novelties that add value to the existing landscape. In simpler terms, innovation is the practical application of research outcomes, bringing about tangible shifts in various sectors.
  • The Strategic Importance of Innovation

Innovation stands as a linchpin for the advancement of organizations and societies alike. Its impact brings about profitability, prosperity, development, and industrialization. This transformative force disrupts the conventional, demanding a shift in mindset, fresh perspectives, creativity, and the keen ability to identify avenues for improvement.

  • Entrepreneurship: The Catalyst for Creative Transformation

Entrepreneurship is a vital player in all aspects of innovation. It involves the willingness of individuals or groups, such as our esteemed University of Port Harcourt, to take risks and transform exceptional ideas into viable business opportunities. Entrepreneurs not only contribute creativity but also add value to the innovation process.

  • The Entrepreneurial Lens on Innovation

Entrepreneurs, much like academics, are integral to the systematic process of innovation. Breaking away from the notion of waiting for a muse to inspire a “bright idea,” successful entrepreneurs approach innovation as a purposeful and planned endeavor. Their motivation, whether driven by financial gains, the pursuit of influence, curiosity, fame, or a desire to contribute, fuels the creation of new and diverse satisfactions.

  • Bridging the Gap: From Academics to Entrepreneurs

A paradigm shift is imperative. Academics need to embrace systematic innovation, viewing research as an enterprise. Similar to entrepreneurs, academics must proactively engage in creating, refining, and combining resources to yield new and more productive configurations. The consciousness of entrepreneurship should resonate within our academic circles, fostering an environment where innovation becomes a deliberate and integral part of the academic journey.

The DVC Research and Development, Professor Iyeopu Siminialayi concluded his address by emphasizing that the intricate relationship between research, innovation, and entrepreneurship forms the bedrock of progressive societies and thriving organizations. Embracing this dynamic relationship paves the way for a future where transformative ideas are not only conceived but also brought to life, contributing to the continual evolution of knowledge and the betterment of our world.

Inaugural lectures

Anyone familiar with the grand tapestry of academia will appreciate the vibrant threads of the University Inaugural Lectures, woven with knowledge, tradition, and anticipation. These ceremonial presentations mark the commencement of an academic journey, signaling the beginning of scholarly exploration and innovation. With pomp and circumstance, they herald the arrival of new ideas, the celebration of intellectual prowess, and the induction of esteemed scholars into the academic community.

These University Inaugural Lectures encapsulate the essence of higher education at their core, representing a convergence of intellect and ceremony, where the scholarly community gathers to witness the birth of academic discourse. These lectures serve as a platform for scholars to showcase their research, insights, and vision for the future. They embody the spirit of inquiry, fostering an environment where ideas flourish and boundaries are pushed.

Here in the University of Port Harcourt, this academic celebration was halted to give room for a more adept and traditionally rich content steeped in academic excellence in order to continue to carry forward the legacy of intellectual pursuit.  The Vice Chancellor Professor Owunari Abraham Georgewill therefore appointed the University of Port Harcourt Inaugural Lecture Screening Committee headed by Professor O. M. Ndimele on a letter dated May 23 2023.  The Chairman was ably supported by seasoned academic and administrators to among other tasks, screen manuscripts before a date can be given; ensure that all elements of Inaugural Lecture are contained; ensure compliance with the structure recommended by Prof. M. N. Oti Committee which was approved by Senate; recommend a screened proposed Inaugural Lecture to the Vice Chancellor for approval of date.

When the stage became set, Professor Abiodun Olabisi Arigbede occupied the center on January 25 2024, sharing his discoveries and insights with colleagues, students, and the wider community, inspiring the next generation of scholars and thinkers.  You will find details of the university’s inaugural lecture series on the University website at


Valedictory Lectures

As the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and academic pursuit, university valedictory lectures signify the achievement and inspiration for Professors embarking on their next chapter in life. These lectures symbolize not only academic excellence but also the embodiment of character, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence, marking the conclusion of a significant phase in their lives, signifying the end of their academic journey and the beginning of new endeavors.

As a second generation university in Nigeria, the University of Port Harcourt has been steadily providing the platform for accomplishments, introspection and gratitude, where our esteemed Professors express appreciation for the support of faculty, mentors, family, and friends who contributed to their success.

It is therefore heartwarming to present to you the University’s website on for a full complement of our valedictory lecturers from inception to date.

Emeriti Professors

The title of emeritus professor carries profound significance within academic circles, symbolizing a legacy of excellence, mentorship, and intellectual leadership. It serves as a testament to the enduring impact of a distinguished career and the indelible mark left upon the academic discipline.

Emeriti professors embody a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom accrued over decades of scholarly inquiry and teaching endeavors. Their continued presence within the academic community fosters mentorship opportunities for emerging scholars, ensuring the transmission of institutional knowledge and scholarly traditions to future generations.

The University of Port Harcourt has proudly conferred this revered honour upon nine (9) distinguished retired faculty members within the annals of our history. This serves as a testament to our institution’s commitment to honoring excellence and fostering a culture of academic distinction. For aspiring academics, the journey towards obtaining a university emeritus professorship requires steadfast dedication, unwavering commitment, and a sustained record of scholarly achievement.  This entails a multifaceted approach encompassing research excellence, teaching innovation, and service leadership. 

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, we hereby honor the legacy of our Emeriti Professors who, no doubt, embraced the transformative power of education, and whose pursuit of knowledge have clinched the key unlocking the boundless potential of the human spirit. 


In the ever-evolving space of higher education, the significance of institutional collaboration in a university cannot be overstated. Finding ourselves in an era where knowledge knows no bounds and interdisciplinary approaches are becoming the norm, the University of Port Harcourt is reaping the immense benefits of creating partnership with individuals and organizations with the intention of paving the way for innovative solutions and groundbreaking research.


Thus, we happily announce that the University of Port Harcourt recently savored the goodies of a collaborative effort between the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) and PZ Cussons Nigeria PLC, a move epitomizing a shared commitment to elevating academic standards and fostering a culture of innovation within Nigerian Universities. Through strategic partnerships and targeted investments, the landscape of higher education is poised for dynamic growth and scholarly excellence.  This significant partnership between NOTAP and PZ Cussons Nigeria PLC is aimed at enhancing laboratories across five prominent Nigerian universities which includes our dear University of Port Harcourt. Under the auspices of the NOTAP-Industry Research Laboratory Upgrade Project (NIRLUP), this collaboration marks a pivotal step towards fostering academic excellence and research advancement.


The MoU signing ceremony took place at NOTAP’s headquarters in Abuja on Monday, October 9th, 2023. It is worthy of note that each of the five beneficiary universities is slated to receive laboratory equipment valued at One hundred million Naira (N100,000,000.00). This substantial investment underscores the commitment to modernize research facilities and empower scholars to explore innovative frontiers.  The equipment delivery to the University occurred on January 19th, 2024, marking a significant milestone in the implementation process. The University’s Center for Gas, Refining, and Petrochemical Engineering was chosen as the installation site, in keeping with PZ Cussons vision of improving chemical engineering research infrastructure.


The infusion of advanced laboratory equipment is poised to catalyze a transformative wave of Research & Development (R&D) endeavors at the University of Port Harcourt. With cutting-edge resources at their disposal, scholars and researchers are primed to delve into multidisciplinary inquiries, driving impactful discoveries and technological innovations.


CypherCrescent Learning & Development Limited

CypherCrescent L&D Limited has agreed with the University of Port Harcourt to establish an Energy Technology Institute (ETI) to develop and offer structured industry training, industry certifications, and capacity development programmes


Opolo Global Innovation Limited (Opolo)

Opolo Global is poised to provide its expertise to the University of Port Harcourt in form of a partnership arrangement to incubate innovative research outcomes and then the commercialization of same through the establishment of an innovation hub and the facilitation of technology transfer to industry.


Other notable collaborative efforts which are all described in detail on our website @ include;

  • Signing of a Trust Deed with Topline Limited for the establishment of a Professorial Chair in Pipeline Engineering (Pipeline Safety and Security) in the Department of Petroleum and Gas Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering.


  • The University of Port Harcourt ACE-PUTOR recently entered into a significant partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Istituto Superiore di Sanita, headquartered in Rome, Italy. This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in advancing research and expertise in Public Health domain, both in Italy and globally. The Istituto Superiore di Sanita is recognized as the premier research institution specializing in Public Health within Italy. It stands as the primary technical and scientific authority within the Italian National Health Service, dedicated to the promotion and safeguarding of public health through multifaceted approaches including research, surveillance, regulation, prevention, communication, counseling, and training.

At the core of its mission, the Istituto Superiore di Sanita is committed to advancing the understanding and application of public health principles. Through extensive training endeavors conducted at both national and international levels, and active participation in various global initiatives, including providing scientific and technical support to the European Commission and its Member States, the institute upholds its dedication to excellence in public health.  This collaboration between the University of Port Harcourt ACE-PUTOR and Istituto Superiore di Sanita is poised to foster synergy in scientific research, education, and professional development, particularly in the area of One Health. With a focal point on the fundamental prerequisites to health, identification of risk factors, and the prevention of diseases within vulnerable and susceptible groups, this partnership aims to drive impactful and sustainable outcomes in public health interventions.  By leveraging collective expertise and resources, both institutions seek to empower communities by equipping them with knowledge and strategies essential for mitigating health disparities and enhancing overall well-being. Through comprehensive research initiatives and educational programs, the collaboration endeavors to catalyze positive change and innovation in the field of public health, thereby contributing to the advancement of global health agendas.


This signals a new era of collaboration and innovation in the realm of public health, and through shared vision, dedication, and expertise, the partnership endeavors to address complex health challenges and promote sustainable solutions for the betterment of society at large. Together, they exemplify the power of collaboration in advancing the frontiers of knowledge and fostering healthier communities not only in the University but worldwide.

In a bid to foster academic excellence, the University of Port Harcourt has cemented its commitment to collaboration by signing the Mediterranean and Middle East University Network Agreement (MUNA).  This collaboration with (MUNA) signifies a transformative journey towards academic excellence and global engagement, amplifying opportunities for educational cooperation and multidisciplinary research endeavors. The essence of the MUNA agreement lies in its facilitation of educational exchange and collaboration. Through this partnership, Our University aims to transcend geographical boundaries, offering students and faculty enriching opportunities for cross-cultural learning and academic exploration.


One of the core tenets of the MUNA agreement is the promotion of multicentric research initiatives, enabling the seamless exchange of teachers, researchers, and students. This dynamic exchange not only enriches the academic experience but also fosters a vibrant ecosystem of knowledge sharing and cross-pollination of ideas.  In line with the spirit of collaboration, Our University is committed to expanding its academic programs through strategic partnerships with MUNA member institutions. This collaborative approach ensures the diversification and enrichment of academic offerings, catering to the evolving needs of a globalized society.

Development and Initiatives

The Director General, Nigerian Maritime Administration, and Safety Agency, NIMASA, Dr. Bashir Jamoh, OFR (3rd right) presenting the keys of the Ultra-Modern Complex housing the Institute of Marine and Transport Technology donated by NIMASA, to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Adm) of the University of Port Harcourt, Prof. Clifford Ofurum, while others look on in admiration

The Management of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, NIMASA, made a donation of this ultra-modern complex housing the Institute of Marine and Transport Technology.  The edifice was handed over to the Management of the University on February 28 2024.

Grants and Awards

Ngozi C. Orazulike - A Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

In a groundbreaking initiative, Professor Ngozi C. Orazulike from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Port Harcourt collaborates with a team of researchers led by Professor Bosede Afolabi from the University of Lagos.  This collaborative effort has secured a significant grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, based in Washington.

The grant, known as the IVON-PP Trial, aims to investigate the efficacy and implementation outcomes of intravenous iron in treating anaemia in women shortly after childbirth, spanning from April 2022 to March 2025. This research endeavors to enhance the quality of life for women and prevent severe health complications for both mothers and newborns, potentially revolutionizing postpartum care practices.

The research initiative spans four Nigerian states: Rivers, Kano, Kwara, and Lagos, with Lagos serving as the coordinating hub. In Rivers State, the study involves collaboration with five hospitals across varying levels of clinical care, including the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital and several other healthcare institutions under the Rivers State Health Management Board.  Under the leadership of Professor Iyeopu M. Siminialayi, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor overseeing Research and Development at the University of Port Harcourt, the Institution is honored to contribute to this innovative research endeavor. Professor Ngozi C. Orazulike, a distinguished Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with extensive expertise in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Infertility, and Assisted-Conception, is leading the research team from Rivers State while Dr. J. Alegbeleye, Dr. O. Pius, Dr. G. Iwo, Dr. H. Awoye-Godspower, and Dr. B. Anaele are integral members of the investigative team, bringing diverse perspectives and skills to the table.

Through the IVON-PP Trial, these dedicated researchers strive to advance the understanding and treatment of postpartum anaemia, fostering healthier outcomes for mothers and their newborns while making substantial contributions to global maternal and child health initiatives.

Prof Aline E M Noutcha

The University of Port Harcourt has also secured a significant research grant from TETFUND through the NRF for a groundbreaking project, “Malaria Vectors Under Climate Change Scenarios: Blending Molecular, Geo-computational, and Community-sourced Approaches for Enhanced Profiling of Bionomics to Advance Control Strategies.” The grant amount totals an impressive Twenty-Two Million, Six Hundred and Fifty-Three Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Naira (N22,653,750.00).

Under the adept leadership of Professor Aline Edith Mekeu Noutcha, a dedicated team of researchers embarks on a 24-month journey to delve into the intricacies of malaria vectors under changing climatic conditions.  The research endeavor integrates molecular biology, geo-computational analysis, and crowd-sourced data to glean comprehensive insights into malaria vector behavior. This holistic approach promises a nuanced understanding essential for devising more effective control measures.

It is worthy of note that beyond academic pursuits, this initiative aligns with the national agenda of revitalizing research and development as the cornerstone of progress. By fostering innovation and knowledge creation, the University of Port Harcourt endeavors to play a pivotal role in advancing the country’s development objectives.

In essence, the TETFUND award signifies more than just financial support; it symbolizes a collective commitment towards combating malaria, fostering scientific excellence, and driving socio-economic growth. Through collaborative efforts and groundbreaking research, institutions like ours strive to shape a brighter, healthier future for our nation.

Prof. Mary Iwundu Director of the IPPTO displaying alongside other recipients, the award at the presentation ceremony in Abuja

The University of Port Harcourt has secured a prestigious achievement by winning the coveted 1st prize from NOTAP. This recognition highlights the Institution’s unwavering commitment to fostering innovation and driving technological advancements in the region, driven by the University’s Research and Development team.

The Office of the DVC Research and Development stands as a beacon of ingenuity, consistently pushing for the boundaries of knowledge and creativity. Through relentless efforts and steadfast dedication, the University’s research team have spearheaded numerous groundbreaking projects, resulting in the creation of valuable patents and innovations which serve as the cornerstone of progress. By nurturing a culture of innovation and excellence, the University, through its Research and Development Office, paves the way for transformative change and societal impact.

Our triumph at the NOTAP awards underscores our unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence. Through collaborative efforts, dedication to research and development, and a steadfast focus on empowering future generations, the University of Port Harcourt continues to shape the landscape of technology and innovation in Nigeria and beyond.

University of Port Harcourt ACE-PUTOR donates Cutting-Edge Equipment

The VC inspecting the Anatomage table while the DVC (R&D), Centre Leader ACE-PUTOR and others look on with admiration

With the aid of the World Bank Centre of Excellence in Public Health and Toxicological Research (ACE-PUTOR) at UNIPORT, medical students in the University of Port Harcourt now enjoy enhanced healthcare training with Medical Simulation devices.

The University of Port Harcourt is a proud owner of a state-of-the-art Medical Simulation Laboratory in its latest stride towards advancing healthcare training in Nigeria.  The acquisition marks a significant step towards revolutionizing healthcare delivery and training standards in the University’s Medical College.

This sophisticated equipment is not only intended to elevate healthcare delivery standards but also to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-life clinical scenarios, this transformative project is set to elevate the standards of medical education by providing invaluable hands-on experience to medical students. With a focus on producing top-tier graduates capable of competing globally, this facility promises to equip students with the requisite skills and knowledge to excel in their fields.

In an era of evolving healthcare trends, the use of simulation has emerged as a pivotal component in training medical and healthcare professionals. It enables them to acquire the necessary expertise and adaptability required in today’s dynamic healthcare landscape.

The Vice-Chancellor extends sincere appreciation to the World Bank for its invaluable contributions to the university’s educational endeavors, acknowledging that the multidisciplinary team led by Professor Daprim Ogaji at the ACE-PUTOR center is committed to providing exemplary leadership and disseminating best practices in research, training, and innovation.

The simulator, characterized by its world-class, high-fidelity design, offers a comprehensive array of specialty training modules in medicine, ensuring learners are exposed to diverse clinical scenarios.  By simulating real-world clinical environments, this equipment offers learners unparalleled opportunities to refine their skills and knowledge within a safe and controlled setting, representing a monumental leap forward in healthcare education and training in Nigeria. With its cutting-edge technology and immersive learning experiences, it is poised to shape the next generation of healthcare professionals, fostering excellence and innovation in the field.

Group photograph with the VC, DVC (R&D, the Provost and Deputy Provost and other distinguished professors and officers at the unveiling of the medical equipment

More photos from the happy moments of the receipt of the state-of-the art medical equipment

Capacity Building

  • The University sponsored Dr. Williams Iroh as a Research Management Officer as a first step in the establishment of a proper Research Management Office. The Course was organized by the South Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) in partnership with Wits University between May 8 to June 23, 2023.

The purpose of the SARIMA Fundamentals of Research Management course was:

  • Prepare practitioners, or would-be practitioners, to be more effective research managers/administrators.
  • Equip practitioners, or would-be practitioners, with the knowledge and experience that will promote the value of the research management profession.

Research Management is an eclectic profession that includes everything that supports the creation of a conducive research environment. Research management is a very diverse set of activities that coalesce around the strategic desire to enhance the impact of research.

The Role of the Research Management Officer are as stated below:

  • Promotion of the mission and vision of the University in relation to research.
  • Liaise with the DVC R&D on the implementation of the University research policy.
  • Coordinate and support Researchers’ grants application processes for both international and local funding.
  • Facilitation of ethical conduct of research in the University.Selection, compilation and use of journal list and output citation analysis.
  • Provide enlightenment to researchers on choice of open access publication channels and avenues for enhancing researcher visibility.
  • Analysis of collaboration networks and identification of external collaborative funding opportunities.
  • Collaboration with relevant units in identifying, developing, protecting, and marketing the University’s Intellectual Property and promoting knowledge transfer networks with the private sector.
  • Provision of quarterly report to the Vice Chancellor through the office of DVC R&D on activities of the Research Management Office.
  • Execution of research related activities as may be assigned by the DVC R&D.


  • The office also nominated two candidates for the annual Commonwealth Scholarship and one of them, Eugene Akujuru of the Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Science Laboratory Technology won the scholarship to study for a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Glasgow.

Scholarship schemes currently running in the University

Sir (Dr) Daniel Chukwudozie

Dozzy Foundation Scholarship

In a remarkable demonstration of empowering future leaders Sir (Dr) Daniel Nwanneka Chukwudozie, an eminent philanthropist and distinguished individual, has made a generous donation of N3,000,000.00 (three million Naira) for the empowerment of some underprivileged students across some Faculties in the University for the 2023/2024 academic session. A total number of 30 students comprising 8 each in the Faculties of Science and Engineering, 7 each in the Faculty of Management Sciences and the College of Health Sciences were happy beneficiaries of this scholarship scheme.  Dr. Chukwudozie is one of the recipients of the prestigious Honourary Doctorate Degree by the University of Port Harcourt during its 33rd combined Convocation Ceremony, in recognition of his immense contribution to the development of the University and the society at large.  He is also the Group Managing Director of Dozzy Group, a renowned conglomerate with its headquarters and branches spanning across Nigeria and beyond.

Dr. Richard Nyongard Nyong

Nyong Foundation Scholarship Scheme

In a similar demonstration of benevolence, Dr. Richard Nyong has also shown an unprecedented act of kindness which serves as a powerful testament to the importance of social responsibility and the transformative impact of individual generosity in higher education.  Dr. Nyong’s magnanimity is also for the 2023/2024 academic session and it covers 12 Faculties and the College of Health Sciences.  A breakdown of beneficiaries includes 13 each in the Faculties of Science, Engineering, and the School of Science Laboratory Technology (SSLT), 19 in Education, 6 in Agriculture, 16 in Humanities, 37 in the College of Health Sciences, 15 in Management Sciences, 10 in Law, 4 in Computing, 9 in Pharmacy, 20 in Social Science and 25 in Economics, making a total of 200 beneficiaries.  Kindly visit our website for a comprehensive read.

Mr. Sobere Diri,

MD, Hamilton Technologies Limited

Mr. Diri, the Managing Director of Hamilton Technologies Limited, engendered by his personal experiences as an alumnus, has taken to creating an optimal learning environment. He acknowledged the financial struggles plaguing universities, underscoring the importance of conducive spaces for academic growth. In a bid to alleviate the institution’s pressing needs, Mr. Diri, made substantial contributions totaling N15 million. This included donations for faculty essentials, scholarships for 5 underprivileged students, and additional support from his network of friends.

Sir Biobele A Georgewill, JCA (Nig)

In this academic session of 2023/2024, the Sir Biobele A Georgewill Scholarship Scheme proudly commenced its journey of empowering deserving scholars. This esteemed scholarship initiative stands as a beacon of hope for 50 beneficiaries, fostering academic excellence and opportunity in its wake.  Through this visionary program, deserving individuals are granted the opportunity to pursue their academic aspirations without the burden of financial constraints. By alleviating the financial barriers to education, the scheme paves the way for a brighter, more promising future for its beneficiaries.

Sir Biobele Abraham Georgewill has a steadfast commitment to nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. By investing in the education of promising scholars, his scheme catalyzes the development of future leaders who will drive positive change and innovation in their respective fields. Each scholarship recipient is not only granted access to education but also empowered to become catalysts for societal progress and transformation.

With 50 deserving beneficiaries embarking on a journey of academic excellence in the 2023/2024 academic year, the scheme reaffirms its commitment to shaping a brighter, more inclusive future for all.  When we eventually celebrate the achievements and aspirations of the scholars, we also will honor the vision and legacy of Sir Biobele A Georgewill, whose enduring commitment to education continues to inspire generations to come.

Dr Amunaboye Clement

Dr. Amunaboye Clement, a Philanthropist Supporting Education, he exemplifies profound generosity and a deep commitment to the welfare of underprivileged students. In the 2023/2024 academic session, he has sponsored 50 students, providing them with scholarships to foster academic excellence within the university community.  His philanthropic endeavors extend far beyond his professional pursuits. With a compassionate heart, he champions the cause of education for students who face financial constraints. His unwavering support serves as a beacon of hope for those striving to achieve academic success amidst adversity.

The scholarships provided by Dr. Amunaboye Clement not only alleviate financial barriers but also foster a culture of excellence and opportunity within the university community. By enabling students to access quality education, he catalyzes their personal and professional growth, equipping them with the tools to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

No doubt, Dr. Amunaboye Clement’s commitment to philanthropy serves as a testament to the transformative power of generosity. His actions resonate deeply within the university community, inspiring others to contribute to the collective pursuit of knowledge and social advancement.  The impact caused by this gesture transcends mere financial assistance, shaping the educational landscape and nurturing a generation of resilient and enlightened individuals. As a benefactor and mentor, he leaves an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to benefit from his generosity.

Dr Emi Membere Otaji

Amidst the myriad of scholarship programs providing opportunities for the fulfillment of educational dreams, the Dr. Emi Membere Otaji Foundation Scholarship Scheme is in the loop of proud sponsors.  The Foundation extends its support to 40 deserving individuals.

Dr. Emi Membere Otaji Foundation Scholarship Scheme continues to be a cornerstone of educational empowerment, providing invaluable support to scholars in their pursuit of academic excellence. With 40 beneficiaries selected for the 2023/2024 academic session, the foundation reaffirms its commitment to transforming lives through education and creating a brighter future for generations to come as the saying goes that ‘educate a child and you educate a nation’.

Bro. Felix Obuah

Bro. Felix Obuah, a renowned philanthropist, esteemed politician, and advocate for youth empowerment, unveiled a scholarship program set to benefit 100 students enrolled in the University of Port Harcourt. This scholarship scheme does not only cover students’ tuition fees but also provides accompanying stipends to ease their financial burdens.  This gesture of an all-inclusive support aims to enable students to channel their focus entirely towards academic pursuits.  In a country where economic challenges often hinder access to quality education, initiatives like the Bro. Felix Obuah Scholarship Scheme serve as beacons of hope for aspiring students. Through collaborative efforts and unwavering dedication to teaching and learning outcomes, the University of Port Harcourt and its partners strive to empower the next generation of leaders, ensuring that education remains accessible to all.

A total of 475 students have been recipients of these invaluable scholarship schemes here in the University of Port Harcourt. These initiatives have not only eased the financial burden on students but have also empowered them to focus on their academic endeavors. The Vice-Chancellor Prof Owunari Abraham Georgewill, the University Management and the entire workforce of this University welcome the initiatives with immense joy and extend profound appreciation to these compatriots for their dedication to educational advancement in our dear Nation.