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Professor Vincent IDEMYOR to be bestowed the Donald E. Francke Medal for International Contributions to Advance Pharmacy Practice

Prof. Obari Gomba – The Inspiration Behind “Grit”

Obari Gomba is a prolific writer known for his contributions across various genres. His latest play, Grit has been shortlisted for the prestigious Nigeria Prize for Literature, bringing recognition to his talent once more. In this interview with theLagosreview, we […]

Commonwealth Scholarship for 2023 – Eugene Akujuru

LATEST NEWS Eugene Akujuru Congratulations!!! Eugene Akujuru on winning the Commonwealth Scholarship for 2023 to study Biomedical Engineering at the University of Glasgow. The University of Port Harcourt is proud of you and your considerable accomplishments. We wish you the […]

Prof Kpolovie Peter Launch A New Book & Award

In four words. Research; Make Impossibility Possible.

Commissioning Of ACE-CEFOR Research Laboratory

The Africa Centre of Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research is one of the beneficiaries of the World Bank grant in Nigeria.  The mission of the Centre is to train both national and international postgraduate students with multi-disciplinary expertise in Engineering […]

University of Port Harcourt selected to host the international  kick off meeting for EU- ERASMUS PROJECT

*Award  for Professor Bourdillon O. Omije*   Professor Bourdilon O. Omije won a 114,000 euros  grant award ( EU- ERASMUS PROJECT)*  for the University  last year, September  to establish an MSc in  embedded  Artificial Intelligence  in center for information and […]


REQUEST FOR INFORMATION The Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Development is compiling an annual report for all research and development activities in the University for the past two years, 2021 and 2022. Consequently, all Deans of Faculties, […]